Awareness Journey

What are some health habits that you wish you had started early in life?

At the age of 62, I lead quite a busy life. Let me narrate the activities of a typical day. I am responsible for making cashew milk and then coffee with it, cooking breakfast, the entire dishwashing throughout the day, the laundry and other chores at home. Apart from this, I teach maths to three children with almost daily classes for five days a week. I offer energy healing and mentoring to some clients. I also spend a couple of hours writing.

All this is possible because of the routine self-care practices that I engage with every day. It has become a part of my routine just like brushing teeth in the moring and so doesn’t seem like a chore or something that I have to do to be healthy. Let me list these activities.

  1. One hour of meditation and gentle energy movements in the morning upon waking up. I do not look into my phone or any digital device or interact with anyone after waking up until I am done with these practices. You can find free videos of the Energy movements on my YouTube channel or in my website.
  2. Coconut Oil massage by myself for my head and whole body before a cold shower every day, a couple of hours after breakfast.
  3. I drink about three litres of water throughout the day. It starts with about 700 ml or warm water in the morning. I do not drink water from 30 minutes before any meal and until one hour after the meal. I do not eat or drink anything other than plain water or warm water between meals. I have written more about this in the chapter titled; “Water, the Elixir for everlasting Health and Well being” in my book titled ‘INNER ALCHEMY.”
  4. 30 minutes of Selvans 30 Yoga in the evening after my evening snack of fruits and raw vegetables. You can find videos of this practice on my YouTube Channel or website.
  5. 30 to 40 minutes of jogging or walking in the evening.
  6. One hour of meditation and gentle energy movements at night before bedtime. The last hour and first hour of every day is totally reserved for my quiet time within.
  7. I enjoy about seven hours and thirty minutes of wholesome sleep every night.
  8. Throughout the day except while I am writing or interacting with others, my mind remains quiet and I enjoy complete peace of mind within, with a complete lack of mental chatter.

Seven years ago it was not like this. My life was chaotic and unhealthy and filled with untold suffering. It was then that I began my journey into Awareness. In my opinion, Cultivating Awareness is the first step for any self-care practice. I offer mentoring to guide people through a one month program to help them incorporate these practices into their life.

My book “Inner Alchemy” is the story of one such person going through this one month program and how it impacts her life. The reader is invited to join on the journey while reading and enjoy all the benefits in their own life. All the resources needed for such a practice have been provided in a companion workbook that is also available on Amazon.

I wish I had started all of these at least twenty years ago. My body is battered with 55 years of negligence and misuse. Because of this, despite all these practices, I still experience a lot of disease and pain from time to time and this could have been completely avoided if I had done so.