Awareness Journey

Feeling Distracted and Lost

We feel distracted and lost when we lose our grounding. Let me first explain Grounding. Grounding is a tool to assist in coming back to being present and to help in remaining present. For a detailed explanation of what is “being present” please read my blog “How to be Present“. Grounding is a process or an exercise or a skill to use to come back into presence or to return home to one’s happy place within

One can learn this skill and inculcate it into a habit to find everlasting joy and happiness. Grounding is also a state of being, in this state the thinking-mind is quiet and resting while the aware mind is alert and awake. Being grounded is the same as being in the happy place within which means one feels centred or balanced or anchored or present or stable.

This process is very similar to the one used by ships, boats or any other sailing vessel to anchor; When a ship drops anchor in mid sea, although the surface of the ocean or sea is choppy and disturbed, the ship holds its place and manages to be stable. During the process of grounding, we sync the frequency of our brainwaves to the energy frequency of the earth’s electromagnetic field and this calms down the restless state of our mind and helps it rest quietly.

I will explain one of the various grounding process here with a suggestion to practically do it and experience how it feels. Place both feet flat on the floor and your body evenly balanced on both feet. You can stand erect or sit with back erect. Press the ground slightly with your heels and also with each of your toes. Now with eyes closed or open, imagine that your spine is extending downward in a straight line penetrating the ground below you, extending all the way to the core of the earth. Now notice your breathing and remain in this position for a few breaths. Read the rest of this blog after doing this exercise.

Being present or grounded is a momentary thing. One can be grounded one moment and ungrounded the next without an awareness of either of the states. In this blog, I seek to bring this process into awareness and help in forming a habit of being grounded. By cultivating the practice of grounding as a habit, one can make being grounded their default state of being, which will reflect in transforming them into a super cool, joyful and confident person. My recently published book: “Awareness Journey | The Happy Place Module – A Journey into the deepest aspects of you” seeks to mentor the reader to cultivate this habit.

Our thinking-mind usually assumes that “I am grounded and present” but our body actually knows if we are present or not. Some of the hints both by the body and mind indicating that one is distracted and lost or not grounded are listed here.

  • When you bump into things, trip or fall.
  • When someone else or something else bumps into you.
  • When your hands are restlessly drumming or playing with something.
  • When your legs are moving or shaking or tapping restlessly.
  • When you are feeling bored.
  • When you are indecisive or cannot think straight.
  • When you are hyperactive and cannot sit still.
  • When you are feeling terribly scared or when you are frozen with fear.
  • When you feel the need to lean or take support of the wall, furniture, others.
  • When you grind your teeth or clench your jaw or neck or calf muscles.
  • When a baby in your care is crying incessantly or a child in your care is very restless and uncontrollable.
  • When you feel unbearable hunger.
  • When you feel anxiety, panic, palpitations, fast heartbeat, etc.
  • When you are focused on finishing what you are doing rather then just focused in the process.
  • When your mind is in the next thing to do all the time and not fully in what you are now doing.

Use all these as cues or pointers to remind you to pause whatever you are doing and go through the process of grounding explained above and you will experience relief. It is my experience that accidents do not happen to me when I am grounded, irrespective of whether others around me are grounded or not.

In the first module of “Awareness Journey” course, which is now available in the form of my first book, I teach several different powerful ways to come back to your state of grounding and make this a deeply rooted habit for you.

One important thing to remember is that our mind acts as a great deceiver in fooling us and keeping us trapped in unhelpful habits or remaining ungrounded. Frequently noticing for all the pointers and cues listed above that our body is giving us, acknowledging that we have lost our state of being grounded, using the skills we have learnt for grounding and coming back to the state of being grounded – This will completely change the track of one’s life to a richer, fulfilling and joyous experience of synchronicity and flow.