Awareness Journey

What is the meaning of “vippasanna” in Vipassana meditation?

The Sanskrit word Vipashyana means ‘right knowledge’ or a form of meditation that seeks “insight into the true nature of reality”. The Pali word Vipassana derived from its Sanskrit root also means the same. It is believed that Buddha himself taught this practice of sitting in a state of non-doing being and allowing the mind to quieten so that the true nature of reality is no longer obscured to the awareness.

The true nature of reality is not hidden, it is not a secret, it is just openly available within oneself freely. But it gets obscured because we are always engaged with our mental activity or with the interactions with the phenomenal world around us.

Doing something will not help us to know, just being in a non-doing state alone will help us know. This is the meaning of Vipassana.