Awareness Journey

Can meditation and prayer to a higher power help others with codependency?

Yes. Most definitely yes. From the point of view of Energy body perception, let us examine dependency (including codependency) and emotional attachments. Each person needs to be connected to the earth and cosmic energy centers for basic sustenance. To be connected is a natural state of being for our energy body. But due to various reasons energy blocks occur, to disrupt this connection and stop or reduce the flow of earth energy and cosmic energy through our body.

When this happens, our energy body automatically extends energy cords to connect with the energy body of others to draw energy and sustain itself. I am not talking about the metabolic energy that is derived from eating food and metabolising it into glucose and burning it as calories in the physical body. I am talking about the bubble like field of electromagnetic energy vibrations of the human bio field (bioplasmic energy field around our body that is also referred as the aura or athma) and the earth’s electromagnetic energy field as well as the cosmic energy field.

To heal from codependency a regular practice of grounding techniques are helpful. Please read some of my articles (answers and posts) on my Quora profile to learn some effective practices that could be built into a routine daily habit.

Prayer when practised with the right state of mind is also very effective in regaining grounding connection. And so is meditation.