Awareness Journey

Is it really true that morning study is more effective than night study?

Did you make a study out of this and then found out that it is more effective for you to study in the morning than night? If so, then the answer is yes. There is no uniform worldwide study time that’s most effective for the entire mankind in common! Each person is different and it not only depends on the habitual tendencies of the person but also the surroundings. For example if you are a new mother and your baby sleeps in the evenings and early nights then the opposite may be true for you. Because in the mornings you might be tired after being awake with the baby in the later part of the night.

When do you find the surroundings as well as your own internal systems most conducive to study and retention? Simply study at different times and find out what suits you best. You can however, bring deep awareness to your whole mind by awakening all the aspects of the mind and cultivate a new set of study habits that enables deeper understanding and absorption as well as complete long term retention. Study usually involves only the thinking-mind which is just one aspect of our whole mind. Most people are completely unaware of the remaining aspects and this narrows the scope of effectiveness. Maybe you need to be asking some other questions to uncover the most effective way to study for you.

I suggest that you read the articles linked below to begin your quest.

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Selvan Srinivasan · 1y

Is a 5 hour sleep enough for a student?

If you are a student under 25 years of age, you would at least need 8 hours of wholesome sleep every night. Any person between the ages 18 to 60 needs at least seven hours of sleep daily and for younger p