It is totally extraordinary and amazing that you have never had a cold, flu or headaches for thirty years. Why would you want such an awesome Achievement to be normal?
By the way, what is normal? Do you really know anyone who is perfectly normal? Normal is society’s expectation of what a person needs to be and it is purely fictional, existing only in the collective imagination of society. Everyone struggles to show themselves up as matching this fictional normal and that is why no body can ever know someone else even in close relationships most of the time. Humans make everything in batches, exactly same. For example an iPhone 14 would be exactly similar to every other iPhone 14 in existence and it is easy to find out that one is not normal when it malfunctions. But God (or nature or universe or evolution or whatever it is that you believe created us all) does not work in the same way. Each creation is completely unique. That’s why one medicine doesn’t work in the same way for everyone.
I can authoritatively confirm that regular practice of meditation results in complete freedom from suffering. Even infections including very contagious ones like covid has no effect on such practioner. All chronic diseases are actually an outcome of modern urban lifestyle that keeps our mind continuously and restlessly engaged. Disease happens when the mind remains exhausted for a long time.
I have done extensive research and have written a book on this, which is under publication right now. People have no way to find out when the mind gets tired. With our physical body we know when it is tired and we pause physical activity and rest by sitting or lying or napping or sleeping or having a hot bath or massage. But with our mind, there is no metric to gauge its level of tiredness because mental tiredness shows up as restlessness, sadness, depression, anxiety, worry, indecisiveness, stress, or some such things and we end up treating it with more mental activity such as watching a movie or some other form of entertainment or distractions which always involves more mental activity and never rest. Meditation is the only way to rest the mind.
Our physical body is the pinnacle of evolution and it has an inbuilt ability to completely heal itself. But it works only when our mind steps out of the way and allows the body to do it normal healing function. Our body keeps producing new cells to replace old cells all the time and in this way our entire body cells get replaced every two years. At any point of time our entire physical body is no older than two years. What is normal for the human body is what you have been experiencing but still it is completely unique because almost nobody else seems to be free from disease.