We can rejuvenate our mind by resting our mind. Our mind is an amazingly wonderful creation and we only need quietness or stillness for a few minutes frequently to get completely rejuvenated. But we have no means to find out that our mind is tired. In case of our physical body we can easily know that our body is tired and we simply take a pause to sit down and stop all physical activity to rest our body.
But in case of our mind, after several hours of working at a desk job, when we get tired of the work, we stop doing it and start watching a movie or browse social media or have a conversation with someone. Our desk job is also mental activity and everything else we end up doing assuming that we are taking rest are also mental activity. Our mind never gets rest and only when we suffer mental breakdown or start becoming very unproductive and ineffective we start realising that our mind is completely exhausted. At that point we become so restless that it is difficult to even take mental rest.
Resting the mind means meditating. Please read the attached article below and some of my other posts and answers in my profile to learn and inculcate various ways to rejuvenate the mind.

Selvan Srinivasan · 2y
How can meditation help people live?
To live means to be conscious or to be aware that Life is being alive within me right now. In my experience, I think I started becoming conscious only after I first started my practice with meditation thirty