Awareness Journey

Why am I not able to breathe while mewing?

Instead of mewing and then trying to breathe, I would suggest that you first breathe and keep breathing and while breathing attempt to do mewing as best as possible.

The universal problem with the human civilisation of modern times is living unconsciously. Unconsciousness here does not mean fainting. It means that throughout the day humans are unaware that breathing is happening in their body. I am not talking of intellectually knowing of the fact that breathing is happening in the body.

Obviously we know all the time of the fact that breathing is happening and it needs to be happening for us to be alive. Just knowing it as a fact or a knowledge is not enough. Being aware of the actual breathing happening in the body as a felt sensation of the expansion and contraction in our abdomen and chest area and the sensation of the flow of air in and out of our nostrils in real time even as it is happening. This is awareness of breathing, it is not a thought in the mind, it is a sensation in the body.

Breathing is the most important process happening in our body. We started being alive when we started breathing and we will stop being alive when we eventually stop breathing. Why then are we completely unaware of such an important process throughout the day? Most people do not even know that it is possible to hold this awareness even while we live normal life and do other things including mewing.

This awareness of breathing as a felt sensation in real time is known as living in the Happy Place within. It is also known as living in a meditative state of mind. It is also known as mindfully living with presence and focus.

One would need handholding for a sustained period of time to help us cultivate a habit of living life with a meditative state of mind. All our habits that we currently have of which we are not even aware, got cultivated in our childhood when our parents or caregivers or the society around us especially during the first decade of our life, hand held us and helped us ingrain these habits.

My book “Awareness Journey | The Happy Place module – A journey into the deepest aspects of you” is one such mentoring journey. The reader will be hand held through a one month journey to make being in the Happy Place within your default mode of being. When you are here, you will be able to effortlessly do mewing while continuing to breathe.

Buy the book and embark on your own journey into Awareness using the following link. You can also seek one on one mentoring through my six month online course also titled “Awareness Journey”. The book guides you on how to do this.