Awareness Journey

Can I breathe mediating loose sense and thought?

Meditation is a state of being alert, awake and aware. We would normally find ourselves being very acutely aware of all our body sensations, emotional feelings and thoughts as arising phenomena without engaging or reacting to any of it.

Meditation is a practice to rest our thinking mind because sleep doesn’t completely rest and rejuvenate our mind. When we shift from our thinking mind to our aware mind we allow deep healing to take place.

We are not loosing our thoughts and senses but simply choosing to disengage from our usual response or reactions to these thoughts and sensations. However if one experiences complete blackout of thoughts and sense perception it may be sleep or momentarily passing through a cloud of unconscious energy.

This is normal. My recently published book is a complete guide to answer all your questions and mentor you through a proven pathway of healing and transformation. Use the following link to check out the details and see if you are interested to read it.