When we release all the energies absorbed by us throughout the day into the earth before going to sleep, our limbic intelligence will take care of this. The position of your body while sleeping wouldn’t matter, you will automatically adopt the best position and keep changing it as and when needed to enjoy deep wholesome sleep. What is more important than how you lie down before sleeping is, how to release all unwanted energies before going to sleep. Once you release these energies simply stay with a quiet mind and in the most comfortable position until you fall asleep and let your higher, intuitive mind take care of the rest of the night.
Our body is an amazingly and extremely complex mechanism. Unimaginable number of processes and activities are going on within our body all the time, even during sleep. Such processes may be most efficient with certain body positions and it may need different positions at different times. That is why even a baby naturally shifts its body position during sleep.
It is a tendency of our over active and constantly thinking mind to want to control everything. But sleep is a time when the mind can rest. Why not switch off the mind and allow our intuitive mind to take care of us? The important thing to learn is, how to release the restless energies and relax our mind so that it remains quiet and facilitates wholesome sleep.

Selvan Srinivasan · 2y
How long does it take for Melatonin to work on an adult with anxiety or stress-related insomnia?
Melatonin is a natural hormone secreted by the body when your eyes are no longer exposed to light. Any kind of light, especially that which is emitted by digital devices such as TVs, Phones, laptops, tablets, etc inhibit the secretion of this hormone. It takes about one hour for the body to secrete enough of this hormone to be able to fall asleep. I do not recommend using Melatonin tablets or any other sleep medication. You may consult your doctor or psychiatrist if you need them. You can still work on the following practices if you are using sleep medication as these will help you get off the medicines in the long term. However melatonin only helps the body to relax and get into sleep mode. Anxiety and stress are related to the mind primarily and if you continue to allow you mind to keep running the restless, scattered, repetitive thoughts about the day, you will not be able to sleep even if the body is feeling tired and sleepy. For experiencing wholesome sleep, you need to work both on your body as well as your mind. The most effective night time practice to take care of both these aspects are to switch off the lights and do the following: 1. Deep Crossing. 2. 8 + 8 Energy Movements. 3. 15 minutes Look Breathe Tap meditation. You will need to practice the above activities for a few days with the following Youtube videos and SoundCloud guided meditation audio so that you can do it at night without having to use the smartphone or tablet to watch or listen to these at night. First set of 8 Em Training version: https://youtu.be/x0-4WK_bMSE Second set of 8 Em Training version: https://youtu.be/gXUuiIfLv4Y Selvans Deep crossing: https://youtu.be/qq6iKZquuVI First set of 8 Em Practice version: https://youtu.be/7uzeVhj-So8 Second set of 8 Em Practice version: https://youtu.be/FOkDgY92PNw Selvans Short Meditation – Witnessing the Four Simultaneous Activities: Selvans Short Meditation – Witnessing The 4 Simultaneous Activities To learn more about sleep cycles and help cultivate wholesome habits for a healthy regular sleep, I suggest you read the following blog articles: