Thank you for asking this question, I think it is a very valid question. This question arises as a response to society’s perception and expectations. Expectations arising out of the collective mindset of assuming that there is a norm. A normal skin colour, a normal height, a normal IQ and so on, causing a feeling of alienation and self doubt within those of us who seem to be different. Paradoxically this feeling of alienation is felt in varying degrees by everyone because each one of us is unique in some way or the other and therefore not seeming to match up to the normal in that particular aspect.
Now let us see why I think this question is very appropriate. When I was a little boy, my father used to have a business partner who turned out to be very untrustworthy. This caused huge losses to my father’s business. It so happened that the partner was a very short person. My grand mother’s response to it was to say “You might trust a thief but never trust a short person”! This, I believe was an old Tamil saying.
Although this saying seemingly implies that short people are also untrustworthy, it actually doesn’t. Trustworthiness of someone is completely unrelated to their physical traits or features. What I think it means is that a diminutive person seems deceptively harmless and so it is easier to get fooled by an untrustworthy short person because they are smaller in size.
The point is that due to the various societal assumptions, short people usually experience low self esteem. From this low self esteem it seems that even God has shortchanged us short people. Heaven is supposed to be up there and so it seems that taller people can reach up to heaven with greater ease!
The way I see it, heaven is not out there or up there. It is within each of us. It is a state of mind from which feelings such as peacefulness, gratefulness, compassion, loving kindness and gracefulness arise. We can each of us come back home to the heaven within us right now or whenever we chose. This may sound contradictory or difficult to the outward focused logical, analytical part of our mind.
That is why, instead of answering this question with logic a better response would be to shift out of the logical thinking mind and into being in our aware mind. This is a skill that can be learnt from my book titled: Awareness Journey | The Happy Place Module – A Journey into the deepest aspects of You.
My book is a complete guide to answer all your questions around this and mentor you through a proven pathway to attain heaven or everlasting happiness, peace of mind, healing and transformation. The book is a true life story book as well as a self-help manual leading the reader through a daily practice.
You will find resources such as training and practice videos of gentle body movements called energy movements videos. You will also find links for one new guided meditation audio every day for twenty one days. Simply practice these energy movements and meditation for twenty one days as you read the book and be completely healed.
Use the following link to check out the details and see if you are interested to embark on this amazing awareness journey to healing and transformation.
For hundreds of thousands of years sunlight was the only source of light on earth. Sunrise would trigger activity in our bodies with the secretion of Serotonin and sunset would usher in the sleep state with the secretion of Melatonin. Our ancestors enjoyed wholesome sleep despite the otherwise hostile environment in which they lived. It all started to change when about a hundred and fifty years ago Edison invented the lightbulb, eliminating the difference between night and day. And Humans started losing wholesome sleep