Awareness Journey

Do you “Know Thyself”?

It’s a game of hide and seek 😂

Once upon a time long long ago in the realm of timeless spacelessness, me and myself were together and we used to know each other. Until we got bored and decided to play hide and seek. Myself gave me a dose of amnesia and I entered this body, into the world of phenomena.

Ever since, I have been searching for myself. But meanwhile I got engrossed in this world and developed many attachments. I’m still searching and I do get a few glimpses of myself now and then. But I’m not too keen to end this game yet, so I’m happy with just a few glimpses from time to time.

It wasn’t so much fun until a few years ago when I had still not started remembering that it was a game. Now I know, and I’m joyfully playing the game and we are teasing each other. One day I may choose to find myself and go back to the other realm but for now, I’m happy here. 😃