Awareness Journey

Does your third eye ever close again after opening it, or does it stay open?

Most people do not know how to switch off their thinking mind. It is always engaged in mental activities and these include the monologues in our mind with ourselves, the dialogues we carry out mentally with an imaginary person, the voices of others in our mind telling us what not to do, memories of past events, worries about the future, planning, working, calculating, computing, watching something (videos) listening to something (such as podcasts), reading, studying, focusing, concentrating, paying attention, fantasising, imagining, dreaming, etc.

People are habituated to this and so it seems to be happening effortlessly and automatically, although we are doing it. We don’t know how to stop it. But if someone learns to quieten their thinking mind and simply be, in a state of non-doing being, without engaging with the thoughts that may arise automatically in the mind, the intuitive mind starts becoming active. The longer one can stay with a quiet mind, the more active their intuitive mind becomes.

Third eye is nothing but an esoteric term for our intuitive mind. Please read the following article to learn more about it.

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Selvan Srinivasan · 2y

What is the plus point of having a 3rd eye opened?

Opening up of the third eye is actually a metaphor used to imply the opening up of our intuitive mind. Our mind is a field of bioplasmic energy around our physical body made up of electromagnetic energy vibrations. Mind consists of five aspects and these are our Limbic mind, our Emotional mind, Our Logical / Analytical Mind, our Intuitive mind and our Aware mind. The Limbic mind contains the software programme that runs our body and all its inner activities automatically without us having to do anything consciously about it. The emotional mind contains all our emotional feelings such as happiness, sadness, shame, anger and fear. This is also somewhat automatic and we are not usually conscious of it because of our preoccupation with all that is happening in the Logical / Analytical mind. All the constant mental activity that we are habituated with and engage with seemingly effortlessly forms the loudest noise in our mind. We are distracted and engaged with this to the exclusion of all the remaining fields of energies in our mind. Our Intuitive mind has to ability to perceive that which is not reachable by our physical senses. The physical senses affect only the three lower minds namely the limbic, emotional and logical. Our higher mind consists of our Intuitive Mind and our Aware mind. These energy vibration are of lower frequency and therefore very subtle so it seems imperceptible due to the constant background noise in our mind as stated above. Opening up our third eye implies that something needs to be done to open that which is closed. This is not so. The intuitive mind is always open and active. To be able to start perceiving what arises in the intuitive mind therefore, we simply need to quieten our mind. Stop doing the constant mental engagement activity with all that arises in the moment and simply choose to be an accepting and allowing witness. This is the practice of meditation and as you cultivate a habit of being in this quiet state you will begin to notice the intuitive thoughts that also arise in your mind all the time. The intuitive sense perceptions become noticeable and you can say that the third eye is open. I offer mentoring support to guide participants through a journey within to open up their creative and intuitive minds. You may listen to my YouTube videos about it or read about the course using the links below and reach out to enroll if you are interested. The story of my Awareness: Introduction to the course:

When a person stays with a still quiet mind, the third eye is open and active. Conversely when the person goes back to engaged mental activity the third eye closes. It is an on-off process and there is no specific rule. Once someone learns to stay quiet within, they can choose to either use their thinking mind or their intuitive mind based on the need of the situation. Intuitive mind is good for making decisions and Thinking mind is good for executing actions once the decision is made. Both are available to humans and both are needed. We can learn to use both and that would greatly easy and smoothen our journey of life.