In the same way as the operating software is connected to a computer hardware. A computer without any OS is as good as junk the same way as a human body without its energy body. If you buy a new phone and a new SIM card, switching on the phone after loading the SIM card and charging it is not enough. You need to activate the SIM card with the network connection and only then it starts working. For visual appearance what is the difference in the phone before the activation and after? It looks just the same doesn’t it? How is the network connection connected to the phone? Where is the connection?
The chakras are part of the energy body anatomy. You may look at it as the organs of the energy body. Underneath it, is the skeleton of the energy body or the basic foundation and it is called the haraline. Haraline is the central line passing through the crown of the head all through the body and rooting all the way into the core of the earth. The central vortex of each chakra lies on this haraline.
Quantum physics has shown us that the basic building blocks of matter is just vibrating energy. When you break an atom into smaller and smaller parts ultimately there is nothing but a pair of energy vibration. Matter is also energy. At times energy is densely packed together so it seems to be matter and at other times it is not so densely packed together so it cannot be seen. In other words our entire body is energy body and some part of it is more dense than the rest.
We cannot perceive our energy body with our physical senses but our five physical senses are not the only perceptional senses we possess. We have more subtler perceptional senses that are obscured by our distractions and preoccupations with our physical senses and our reactions to these.
I invite you to read about my six month online mentoring course called Awareness Journey using the link below. When you enrol into this, it will help you open up the obscured perceptions and bring all your hidden abilities to your awareness to help you live a fuller, wholesome life.