Awareness Journey

How can one find freedom from all forms of suffering?

Today the human civilisation is living in the 5G era of digital interconnectivity. While this is a most fantastic technical advancement, it also exponentially increases the amount of electromagnetic energy vibrations in the space around us. Trillions of terabytes of data is constantly buzzing around us, going from device to device. With our physical body and our five physical senses we are unable to perceive this just as we cannot sense radioactive or ultraviolet radiation but can be affected by it.

Our physical body is just a small part of the whole of us. It is permeated and contained by our energy body which is variously referred to as the Bio-Field, Bio-Plasma, Human energy field, Subtle body, Aura, Energy body, Atman, etc. This is the software containing the operating system for our physical body. To this energy field, the digital information floating in the space around us is pollution, or energy pollution. This pollution sustains a state of restlessness in our body and mind leading to the plethora of lifestyle diseases and low immunity to infections, lack of peace, inability to sleep, a tendency towards impatience and violence, etc, that is most common in the world today.

If you have practiced meditation in some secluded mountain resort or somewhere far away from any cellphone towers, WiFi or Sattilite dishes, you would know that the experience is very different than in a town or city even if you are sitting in a soundproof air-conditioned room.

Most spiritual books are fantastic guides for inner exploration and I have grown up with hundreds of them as my staple diet. Today though, they end up being consumed merely as intellectual information and not practical or experiential guides. The logical, thinking, analysing, judging part of our mind needs to switch off and be quiet for a spiritual practice to begin.

This switching off was natural and spontaneous a few decades ago because the human energy field is always connected to the earth and cosmic healing energies but now the energy pollution prevents it from happening automatically. I have been practicing and teaching meditation and yoga for the past twenty five years and am able to perceive this difference between then and now.

My latest book Awareness Journey | The Happy Place Module – A Journey into the deepest aspects of Life has been the result of the last six years of mentoring and guiding innumerable participants on their journey to healing and transformation. You can now learn how to grow spiritually, heal physically and also grow in material abundance while living in a city and leading a busy life.

You can check out the book on Amazon and read a sample of the first 25 pages on the kindle version before deciding if you want to buy it and use it to transform your life.