Awareness Journey

How can Reiki healing be helpful to today’s generation?

Reiki is the universal life force energy that is abundantly available all around us just as the air that we breathe. Even though infinite amount of air is abundantly available all around us all the time, sometimes we end up needing oxygen or a ventilator to help us breathe. With the life force energy you could say that everyone is in a state of needing the ventilator because healing energy doesn’t seem to be flowing naturally and being helpful.

There is something in today’s generation, and it doesn’t mean just any specific age group of people but the entire humanity living in the modern digitally connected world of today. Something that seems to be preventing the natural flow of energy to bring about well-being and peace. I have written about it in many of my articles and answers and so will not repeat it now.

When you ask how can reiki healing be helpful, you actually mean how can the practice of the methods taught by practitioners following Reiki healing be helpful. The basic or first step in this practice is to return back to our state of gratitude. When you hold a state of gratitude, the universal life force energy automatically flows in to you and through you. You can intentionally allow this energy to heal you and heal others around you. Heal all aspects of life

The best way you could contribute is to stay in the state of gratitude and return back to this state whenever you find yourself lost in your thoughts or emotions and loose your attitude of gratitude. You can use a three minute open eyes practice called Fixed Gazing and conscious breathing frequently to help you return back to this state. The following article will teach you how to do this. You can also use the guided meditation linked below to return back to gratitude. Just being in this state as much as possible is enough.

What are some breathing exercises for beginners who struggle with focusing on their breath while meditating?

Selvans Guided Meditation – Opening the flow of Gratitude:

Selvans Guided Meditation – Look Breathe Tap

If you are a beginner to meditation, this meditation will gently ease your body and quieten your mind. This meditation also is most effective for sleeplessness or insomnia. Just listen and practice in