We can use mindfulness and meditation to improve our mental health by cultivating the practice into a daily habit. Knowledge about these practices alone is not enough, a longtime regular habit is needed.
This is because knowledge does not help in changing the way we behave. Knowledge can help in our wanting to change the way we behave. That is the first step, but that first step is not sufficient. Knowledge accrues in the logical, analytical, rational part of our mind. Whereas our behaviour is dictated by the rest of our mind which includes our limbic mind, our emotional mind, our intuitive mind and our aware mind.
We need handholding for a sustained period of time to help us cultivate a habit. All our habits that we currently have of which we are not even aware, got cultivated in our childhood when our parents or caregivers or the society around us especially during the first decade of our life, hand held us and helped us ingrain these habits.
My book “Awareness Journey | The Happy Place module – A journey into the deepest aspects of you” is one such mentoring journey. The reader will be hand held through a one month journey to make being in the Happy Place within your default mode of being. This is exactly same as being able to stay present and focused all day.
Buy the book and embark on your own journey into Awareness using the following link. You can also seek one on one mentoring through my six month online course also titled “Awareness Journey”. The book guides you on how to do this.https://amzn.eu/d/iwP7iTq