Imagine a Ninja with a powerful Samurai Sword riding on a swift motorboat and cutting off the waves from the surface of the ocean. The most perfect pro of a Ninja and the most perfect blade, that Samurai sword, but alas it is impossible to cut off the waves and enjoy a still calm ocean surface.
There is another way where one could choose to dive instead of cut. Dive deep within the ocean. Just a few meters down and I was absolutely amazed when I did deep ocean diving a few years ago. Complete stillness and calm. Even while a thunderstorm was raging on the surface at that time making me scared shitless before I dived into the ocean. When I surfaced after enjoying the deep water serenity for several minutes, the thunderstorm was still raging fiercely and then I realised…
Distractions do exist simultaneously with stillness and peace. They are just happening at different levels and instead of engaging with the distractions to keep cutting them, simply allow them to be and choose to dive deep within to enjoy a few moments of quiet peace.
Distractions are merely life happening around us. Normal, mundane life happening around us become distractions when we want to avoid them. We are either completely engaged and engrossed in the life around us that we don’t see them as distractions or we keep fighting them and they are unending like the waves in the ocean. We can choose the third option instead. To pause for a few moments to dive within to rest and then resurface again to engage with life.
The following article suggest a practical way forward.