When our mind and body are adequately rested we need no motivation to wake up before the sun rises, our bodies are programmed to do so. But our bodies do not get enough rest because we usually are unable to enjoy adequate wholesome sleep. Even when we learn to sleep well, our minds are not fully rested because mental activity keeps engaging our minds almost 24 x 7.

Selvan Srinivasan · 1y
Is a 5 hour sleep enough for a student?
If you are a student under 25 years of age, you would at least need 8 hours of wholesome sleep every night. Any person between the ages 18 to 60 needs at least seven hours of sleep daily and for younger people it is more. There are different stages of sleep in each sleep cycle and each stage repairs our mind and body in different ways. We need all the stages and we need at least five cycle of all these stage each night for a healthy life. To understand more about what is sleep and to understand what hinders wholesome sleep and what we could do to enjoy wholesome sleep, please read the two articles linked below. As a student you think you need lot more hours to study because you probably have to study the same thing repeatedly to help remember it. This is because you have a mind which is filled to its brim and already overflowing with all the restless thought activity going on in it all the time. There is no space for new knowledge to enter and be stored and so you keep repeatedly reading and finding it impossible to retain all that you read. It is like using a soaked dripping sponge to wipe and dry the floor clean of some spilled liquid. Is that possible? You would need a dry sponge to be able to do it, isn’t it? Similarly you need a quiet mind to be able to study and easily retain all that you study. Wholesome and sufficient sleep is one of the ways that the stuff in you temporary memory gets transferred to your long term memory. It is somewhat similar to the RAM and Harddisk in your computer. I suggest a practice of a few minutes of meditation and energy movements before and after each study session in addition to wholesome sufficient sleep. When you practice these, you will find it drastically improves your ability to absorb and retain all that you study. You will require far few hours of study time and you will be more confident and joyful in life. Read my answers to the following questions in Quora previously to understand how to do this. And here are the links to the sleep articles mentioned above. For more information and plenty of free resources to aid with the practice of meditation and deep healing, please visit my website.
You can also find all the resources such as energy movement practice videos, guided meditation audios and articles related to sleep, wholesome wellness, meditation and healing on my website linked below. You may reach out for mentoring support to help you through this process too.https://awarenessjourney.org/