It is like a hurdles race, the hurdles on your track are not there as obstacles but invitations to excel oneself. When a sports person learns the right way and sufficiently trains, they are able to smoothly glide over these hurdles.
The first step is to accept these obstacles and distractions and allow them to be. Just as in the race, they are not coming at us, we are going at them and we can learn to smoothly glide over them instead of being derailed by them.
This article will show the right way to begin a meditation practice with ease.

Humanity “THE BEST RELIGION” · December 20, 2022
Can someone who has never been able to meditate learn to practice meditation and benefit out of it?
Yes anyone can practice meditation. It is quiet simple actually. You only need to learn when you have to ‘do’ something. Meditation is a practice of ‘non-doing being’. You need to choose not to do anything and this entails a process of unlearning rather than learning. When I say activity, I am referring to mental activity not physical activity. Just do the following for one to three minutes and see what happens. Your first tool for an effective meditation practice – Focused Breathing and Conscious Breathing – FGCB This is FGCB or Fixed Gazing and Conscious Breathing. Simply take a few minutes to be with this practice several times during the day for a few days. It would be even more helpful if you can practice three minutes of gentle body movements called Deep crossing after the FGCB and continue with the FGCB while doing this. It is demonstrated in YouTube video linked below. Selvans Deep crossing: https://youtu.be/qq6iKZquuVI After several days of the above practice, listen to the following guided meditation audio and sit with a short practice of 5 minutes open eyes meditation. Sit for the meditation after doing deep crossing. Selvans Guided Meditation – Witnessing the four simultaneous activities: Selvans Short Meditation – Witnessing The 4 Simultaneous Activities If you want to go further, you may use the other longer closed eyes meditation audios in my SoundCloud profile to progressively practice with meditation. My recently published book is a good guide to take the reader through a handholding process of mentoring. You can read more about the book and find the link to buy it in my website below. Another option is to enrol for my online mentoring program called Awareness Journey. Read about it and find the links to my SoundCloud and YouTube profiles on my website homepage.
The following articles will show clearly what are the major obstacles and distractions and how to navigate through them with ease.

Selvan Srinivasan · 1y
How can you maintain mental and spiritual balance in today’s world?
Note: above picture copied from a google search of “rope walking images” Your question is very apt because never before in human history has there been so much disturbances to our spiritual balance than in today’s world. This is because of the energy pollution in the space around us. Our physical body is not the whole of us although that’s how it appears to our physical sense perception. Our physical body is contained within and also permeated by our energy body. Our energy body has been variously referred to or recognised as bio field, bio plasma, human electromagnetic field, energy body, aura, athma, spirit body or spiritual body. It is a field of electromagnetic energy and it makes up the five overlapping layers of our mind with its five separate aspects. Energy pollution is the energy vibrations of all the digital communications happening in the telecommunications network around us between the cellphone towers and all the mobile devices, computer systems, the satellite network, TV devices, radio stations, microwave devices, etc. The space around us is filled with information in the form of these energy waves and to our energy body it is pollution. It causes disturbances. This energy pollution by itself is however not the primary pitfall in today’s world. The distinction of primary pitfall goes to the modern culture of being in the thinking mind all the time. Throughout our waking time and also during sleeping time our mind is engaged and busy with activities in it. These include the monologues in our mind with ourselves, the dialogues we carry out mentally with an imaginary person, the voices of others in our mind telling us what not to do, memories of past events, worries about the future, planning, working, calculating, computing, watching something, reading, studying, fantasising, imagining, dreaming, etc. We are habituated to this and so it seems to be happening effortlessly and automatically although we are doing it. This habit is the biggest pitfall in our efforts to maintain mental and spiritual balance in today’s world. Now that we know the pitfalls, it is easy to learn and cultivate a new habit to help us remain connected with the natural earth and cosmic energy flows and remain balanced. The article linked below shows the way.