One could live in a joint family with ten other family members or live in a hostel with fifty other cohabitants, five persons in one room and still feel lonely. One could feel lonely even while participating in a lively fun filled party On the other hand, one could be the only person living alone in an island and still not feel lonely at all.
Being alone may be a result of external circumstances and in some instances unavoidable. But feeling lonely is an emotional state of mind and we can easily learn the skills to empower us to choose to come out of this state.
When we befriend all the left out aspects of ourself and remain connected with the whole of us, we can forever attain freedom from feeling lonely. It is known as skilful living and it is very easy to adopt. The only hurdle is our habit of living in the thinking mind all the time and trying to solve everything while still remaining stuck there. From this place, it does seem unavoidable and I would even seem outlandish in my claim of a possibility of living without feeling lonely.
What I mean by living in the mind and what I mean by skilful living to step out of our mind and into real life is explained in the article linked below. If you seek to understand this more deeply please read some of my other articles and posts on my Quora profile. And if you seek mentoring and handholding for this, you are welcome to enrol to my online course called Awareness Journey. You can find out the details about it and how to enrol on the website link provided below.

Selvan Srinivasan · 1y
I see myself ruining my life every day. I easily give in to distraction such as social media. What do I do?
The consolation is that you are not alone in doing so. And it is not your fault at all. When you look at the whole of you and not just the physical body, you will be able to understand it better. Our physical body is surrounded, contained and permeated by our energy body. It is variously referred to as our bio-field, or our electromagnetic energy field, or our bio-plasma, or our aura or athma or human energy field. It can be perceived and measured with EEG equipment or by a clairvoyant vision. It is like a bubble around us, a protective shield and it protects our boundaries. It consists of all the different aspects of our mind and is the software operating system that keeps our body alive and functioning. The modern digitally connected world has given rise to so many energy waves in the space around us. The air around us is filled with the network communication between all our devices and the cell phone towers, satellites, radio stations, etc. These are also electromagnetic energy vibrations and they interfere with our energy field which is also electromagnetic vibrations. You can say that this is the energy pollution that had never existed for the generations of humans before our time. It not only distracts and engages our attention but also disturbs us by keeping our energy body imbalanced and disconnected from the natural energy field of the earth and cosmos. But we are also equipped with the means to protect ourselves from any harmful effects of this interference and still be balanced and connected to the earth energy. The first step is to return back to the present moment and be here. If you look at the question, it simultaneously deals with the past and is critical of past actions and also reaches out to the future to seek to know what needs to be done in the future. This is our mind. It is always engaged with everything else other than what is happening in the here and now. Just for one minute take a pause and be with FGCB. Read the below linked article to learn how to be with FGCB. Over the rest of today, simply return back to this practice once every fifteen minutes. If this helps, read some of my other posts and answers on my Quora profile to learn how to cultivate a new set of habits that will help you let go of this habitual tendency of being distracted to live a more fulfilling wholesome life.