Ideally I would recommend not more than four or five hours. This may appear inadequate to many students who might be spending more than twice this amount of time and still find it inadequate. This actually means that the mind is tired and the ability of our mind to absorb and retain information is not optimal.
When the mind is refreshed and energetic we can instantly absorb whatever we study and there would be no need to keep on rehearsing the same topic again and again. We are unable to do so because our mind is always tired. This happens because our mind as actually working 24 x 7 and not just while we study. Most people do not know how to find out that the mind is tired because mental tiredness is not like physical tiredness. People do not know how to rest and refresh the mind because this is never taught as a regular part of our primary education.
The following article elaborates on all the types of mental activity going on in our mind and why we are unable to rest our mind.

Selvan Srinivasan · 1y
How can I get rid of overthinking?
Before I answer this question I would like to see if we understand the difference between thinking and overthinking! In my opinion it is very difficult or probably impossible to draw a line between the two, especially in realtime when one steps over that supposed line. Overthinking is that which keeps us going in circles or leads us over the ledge. But in either case we only realise it after the fact and not before, so we are unable to prevent it even if we find out the perfect answer to this question. Because overthinking is the leaves of the tree and if you keep getting rid of the leaves, the tree will keep producing more, endlessly. Let us not waste our time on getting rid of the leaves and instead focus on the root. Our habitual tendency to live in our mind is the root cause. The following article explains this. Learning to keep the mind fresh and energetic by allowing it to rest adequately is the solution. Grounding or regaining our connection with the earth energies (the electromagnetic field of energy emanating from the core of the earth) will help quieten the mind and allow it to rest. Once we learn this, the next step is to cultivate a habit of returning back this practice repeatedly whenever our mind gets tired. Once we cultivate this as our lifelong habit we would have gained mastery over our thinking-mind. We would be able to us our mind for thinking only when needed and switch it off and return back within to enjoy being alive in our body at all other times. I have suggested some very effective daily practices that can help in the following article. For more information and plenty of free resources to aid with the practice of meditation and deep healing, please visit my website.
Another important thing is the ability to retain information. We have a short term memory and a long term memory in our minds just as a computer has RAM and Hard disk. People who study intensely for long hours inadvertently inhibit the transfer of information from their short term memory to their deeper long term memory. That is why last moment study before exams becomes so very important. If only we understand our mind and allow whatever we study to get deposited deep into our long term memory, we would never have to study in the last moment and be fully active, fresh and energetic during the exams without needing stimulants like coffee.
The following article suggests some simple practices to enable adequate rest to our mind and also improve the absorption and deep retention of whatever we study.

Padho aur padhne do ·
How can I maintain my health and studies simultaneously?
You can do so when you fully understand what habits help with optimal physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. When we enjoy optimal physical and mental health by ensuring sufficient sleep for example, it also greatly enhance our ability to absorb and retain whatever we learn. The following article provides some guidance on this. For more information and plenty of free resources to aid with the practice of meditation and deep healing, please visit my website.