The only person who can answer this question is your own intuitive and aware mind. I can suggest a few things to help access the space within you where you may find the answer or you may find that the question no longer exists once you reach there.
Each time you think about the person, please take a pause at least for a few seconds and practice FGCB which is explained below.

Selvan Srinivasan · 1y
What are some breathing exercises for beginners who struggle with focusing on their breath while meditating?
Do this for just three minutes and see if it helps. Sit on a straight back chair with feet flat on the floor, the entire soles of the feet from tips of the toes to the heels firmly contacting the floor. Keep your back erect, you may place a cushion behind your back for support if required but do not lean back on an inclined backrest of the chair. Let your head be held straight, neck straight, shoulders square and relaxed. You may tilt the head very slightly downward to gaze at a point on the floor in front of you a few feet away from you. Keep your eyes fixed on that spot for the three minutes without moving your eyeballs. Allow your eyes to be half open and half closed and hold that spot in a gentle gaze and not a stare. You are not looking there to see something but simply holding that spot in a gentle gaze. Exhale with a loud sigh from your mouth and use gentle effort to empty your lungs as far as possible without straining too much. Then relax your body and allow the inhale to happen effortlessly and soundlessly through your nostrils. When you sense that the inhale is over, do not put any further effort to breathe in but repeat the exhale from the mouth with the sound and gentle effort. I call this conscious breathing. Effort only for the out breaths and allowing in breaths to happen effortlessly. This entire process is called FGCB or fixed gazing with conscious breathing. You may set hourly reminder alerts on your smartphone and repeat this 3 minute FGCB every hour throughout the day today and see how it helps with calming your mind. This is a powerful grounding practice and you can do this even when you are driving and waiting for the red signal to turn green. Allow any such interruptions in your day to remind you to come back to the practice of FGCB repeatedly. For more information and plenty of free resources to aid with the practice of meditation and deep healing, please visit my website.
You can also practice a set of gentle body movements called Deep Crossing energy movements which is demonstrated in the video below. Whenever you have a couple of minutes to spare do both otherwise just do FGCB. It is important to let of of the need to find answers and allow the question to be when you are practicing.
Selvans Deep crossing:
There is a very subtle difference between mental activity in which we find ourselves constantly engaged all the time (the doing) and the arising thoughts in the intuitive mind (the non-doing being). The following two articles would explain each of it in more detail.

Self_Love_Respect ·
Is it normal to experience uncontrollable self-talk?
If you define normal as something that happens with the majority of the people living on this planet, then yes, it is normal to experience uncontrollable self-talk. But if you ask whether it is good for you to experience this condition, I would say, no. In self-talk, who is talking to who? Self-talk means you are talking to yourself. But you need someone to be talking to, isn’t it? Self talk is usually the voice in your mind playing out. It is as if a recorded audio is on auto play in the mind. Whose voice? The voices of all the people in your life, the society around you, telling you constantly what to do and what not to do. It could be negative or it could be positive. If you successfully distract your mind from this activity, it would end up doing something else in the mind. These include the dialogues we carry out mentally with an imaginary person, memories of past events, worries about the future, planning, working, calculating, computing, watching something (video), listening something (audio such as podcasts), reading, studying, focusing, concentrating, paying attention, fantasising, imagining, dreaming, etc. We are habituated to this and so it seems to be happening effortlessly and automatically although we are doing it. Our mind gets tired of this constant uncontrollable, unstoppable habit and wants to rest. It actually gets exhausted. We easily know when our physical body is exhausted and we rest it by sitting down or lying down or taking a nap or long sleep or having a hot bath or a nice massage. But we have no metric or measure to find out when our mind is tired and we have no means to allow our mind to rest because any of the above resting that we give our physical body doesn’t rest the mind. Mental exhaustion shows up in the form of the following: Stress, worrying, indecisiveness, feeling restless, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, burnout, insomnia, impatience, constant irritation, etc. If you are feeling any of these it indicates your mind is tired and no amount of sleeping will be enough to make this mental tiredness go away. Long term mental exhaustion is the root cause for all the chronic life-style diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, etc. Positive self-talk is not an answer to this. It doesn’t help because the mind is already tired and we end up doing something more with the mind so it is neither effective nor does it give rest. I have written extensively in my Quora posts and previous answers about how to enjoy a quiet mind and allow our mind to completely rest and be rejuvenated. Please browse through and read a few of them if you are interested to begin controlling the uncontrollable self-talk.

Selvan Srinivasan · 2y
What is the plus point of having a 3rd eye opened?
Opening up of the third eye is actually a metaphor used to imply the opening up of our intuitive mind. Our mind is a field of bioplasmic energy around our physical body made up of electromagnetic energy vibrations. Mind consists of five aspects and these are our Limbic mind, our Emotional mind, Our Logical / Analytical Mind, our Intuitive mind and our Aware mind. The Limbic mind contains the software programme that runs our body and all its inner activities automatically without us having to do anything consciously about it. The emotional mind contains all our emotional feelings such as happiness, sadness, shame, anger and fear. This is also somewhat automatic and we are not usually conscious of it because of our preoccupation with all that is happening in the Logical / Analytical mind. All the constant mental activity that we are habituated with and engage with seemingly effortlessly forms the loudest noise in our mind. We are distracted and engaged with this to the exclusion of all the remaining fields of energies in our mind. Our Intuitive mind has to ability to perceive that which is not reachable by our physical senses. The physical senses affect only the three lower minds namely the limbic, emotional and logical. Our higher mind consists of our Intuitive Mind and our Aware mind. These energy vibration are of lower frequency and therefore very subtle so it seems imperceptible due to the constant background noise in our mind as stated above. Opening up our third eye implies that something needs to be done to open that which is closed. This is not so. The intuitive mind is always open and active. To be able to start perceiving what arises in the intuitive mind therefore, we simply need to quieten our mind. Stop doing the constant mental engagement activity with all that arises in the moment and simply choose to be an accepting and allowing witness. This is the practice of meditation and as you cultivate a habit of being in this quiet state you will begin to notice the intuitive thoughts that also arise in your mind all the time. The intuitive sense perceptions become noticeable and you can say that the third eye is open. I offer mentoring support to guide participants through a journey within to open up their creative and intuitive minds. You may listen to my YouTube videos about it or read about the course using the links below and reach out to enroll if you are interested. The story of my Awareness: Introduction to the course: