When you look at the energy body (with a clairvoyant vision), you can see an energy block in your root chakra, making it difficult to connect with the core of the earth energetically. Even when connected, the flow of earth energy would be restricted. Energy blocks are usually memories of past trauma and they get covered with unconscious energy so that you don’t remember the trauma. You manage to go through life by connecting with others to get the earth energy that’s needed for sustenance. This may result in dependency or codependency. If you believe in chakra healing you may reach out to enrol for the Awareness Journey online mentoring that I offer for clearing and healing the blocks.
If you have no clue of what I’m talking, I can explain the same thing in a simpler language without using the energy body. Energy blocks = habituated tendencies. It’s called Vasana in Sanskrit which translates as ‘impressions of anything remaining unconsciously in the mind’ and flows out as a habitual tendency into doing something but we don’t know why we are doing it or how to stop it.
In this case the doing is being engaged in a constant mental activity. These include the monologues in our mind with ourselves, the dialogues we carry out mentally with an imaginary person, the voices of others in our mind telling us what not to do, memories of past events, worries about the future, planning, working, calculating, computing, watching something (videos) listening to something (such as podcasts), reading, studying, focusing, concentrating, paying attention, fantasising, imagining, dreaming, etc. We are habituated to this and so it seems to be happening effortlessly and automatically, although we are doing it. We don’t know how to stop it.
This prevents us from meditating. Our mind doesn’t want to give up control and sit quietly. Not even for a moment. There is no need to try to close your eyes and sit quietly and meditate. Instead, I suggest some activity with eyes open. These are very effective in quietening the mind and when practiced for very brief spans (say a minute to three minutes only) but repeatedly several times during the day and consistently over a long period of time, it will help replace the deeply ingrained habitual tendency and thus clear the energy block.
The practices are explained in the article linked below.

Selvan Srinivasan · 1y
Can someone who has never been able to meditate learn how to do it and get results from it?
Yes you can, it is quiet simple actually. You only need to learn when you have to do something. Meditation is a practice of non-doing being. You just need to choose not to do anything. But here the activity is mental activity not physical activity. Just do the following for one to three minutes and see what happens. This is FGCB or Fixed Gazing and Conscious Breathing. Simply take a few minutes to be with this practice several times during the day for a few days. It would be even more helpful if you can practice three minutes of gentle body movements called Deep crossing after the FGCB and continue with the FGCB while doing this. It is demonstrated in the below link for the YouTube video. Selvans Deep crossing: https://youtu.be/qq6iKZquuVI After several days of the above practice, listen to the following guided meditation audio and sit with the practice of 5 minutes short open eyes meditation. Sit for the meditation after doing deep crossing. Selvans Guided Meditation – Witnessing the four simultaneous activities: If you want to go further, you may use the other longer closed eyes meditation audios in my SoundCloud profile to progressively practice with meditation. Another option is to enroll for my online mentoring program called Awareness Journey. Read about it in the link below.