Awareness Journey

I want to become a yogi of the Himalayas and I want to meditate for 100 years. What should I do?

A hundred years or a thousand years or even one year doesn’t matter any longer. If you can be a yogi of the Himalayas for even twenty four hours, that would be a transition into a timeless space less state of being after which the number of years wouldn’t matter anymore. This is the Samadhi state of being and may also be called the delta state because the frequency of vibration of one’s energy body corresponds to delta frequency in this state of being. It is a deeper or quieter state of being than the theta state. I just answered a question on how to reach the theta state of frequency. Please read it and practice it as a first step or milestone in your goal.

I would recommend an easier practice of remaining in Alpha vibrational frequency if you are still engaged in worldly life activities and have attachments with your close relationships. Please make your choice after practicing and fully understanding what it is that you are aiming for and finding out if it is what you really want or what you think the society or someone you look up to expect out of you.

Profile photo for Selvan Srinivasan

Selvan Srinivasan · 1y

Is it possible to combine different meditation techniques? For example a deep breathing technique along with a mantra? If the goal was to get into theta would the two different techniques trip each other up?

Your question makes it seem that meditation is something similar to mountain climbing. But instead please look at meditation as a pause during or after the mountain climbing, when you simply do nothing but completely rest. Mental non-doing being, complete cessation of mental activity is what will get you to the energy vibration frequency of theta. All the doings that you are talking about will only keep you firmly rooted in Beta frequency. Deep breathing is not meditation. It is a physical exercise. It is not even yoga or pranayama. Pranayama itself is a gentle practice (like Anulom Vilom) that can become intensive sometimes (like kapalabhati) but these are not meditation, these can be used as a stepping stone to prime the mind for the meditation practice. Or you could first shift your mind into a meditative state (alpha frequency) and then do pranayama while continuing to remain in the alpha frequency. That could make the activity of pranayama into a practice of meditation. You could do the same with walking or dish washing or any activity. Chanting a mantra is also similarly an activity. You can do mantra chanting as a primer for the mind before the meditation practice or you can sit with the mantra practice after the mind shifts into the quiet aware mode and you are able to be a witness to the mantra chanting happening in your body in sync with your breath automatically without any mental effort. This is used for practicing sitting with meditation for long durations, but it is recommended usually to drop the mantra and simply sit with awareness once the mind goes very still and quiet and these tools are no longer needed. Beware of the tendency to force your mind to be free of thoughts, you may be able to sit without any thought but still it would not be meditation unless it happens naturally after releasing all the restless energies into the earth. Read the second link pasted below to understand this more clearly if required. All the techniques and tools are needed only to settle the restless state of our minds which is habituated to keep doing and never stop doing.Once we regain our connection with earth energies we experience a mental shift into a vibrational frequency that corresponds with Alpha.The alpha state itself is a deeply healing and rejuvenating practice and it is enough to be here to heal and transform your life. When you continue to use tools such as mantras or focus on breath or tapping or any physical doing to help keep your mind quiet, you will be able to stay in alpha state and deeply heal. But if your goal is to go deeper into theta state, it is simply a question of sitting in non-doing being. All the concepts and techniques that apply in the normal world doesn’t apply here. Repeatedly choosing not to engage with arising phenomena and simply coming back and being an aware non-doing witness to all the arising phenomena helps with moving from alpha to theta. Remember that it is a slower vibrational frequency. You are moving towards zero here and any effort or wanting, to reach the destination, only tends to increase the vibrational frequency not decrease. “Raising higher to theta frequency” or “sinking deeper into theta frequency” are all words used as a figure of speech. You are not going anywhere literally. The source of the universe is not up there somewhere. The centre of cosmos is not out there in deep space. It is right within you. It is everywhere and nowhere. It is a different dimension than the dimension of space-time. Thinking, understanding, striving, etc do not work here. Please read the following articles to understand the difference between doing a mantra chanting and being with the mantra chanting.