I eat my dinner at 8 pm every night and spend the next two hours washing dishes, watching television and playing with my grandchildren. I retire to bed at around 10 pm and spend one hour with energy movements and meditation to settle down my mind for sleep. I sleep at around 11 pm and wake up at around 7 am. I spend the next one hour with energy movements and meditation and preparation of soymilk coffee. I usually breakfast with a few soaked almonds and raisins before drinking coffee at 8.30. Without any effort or trying, naturally I fast for around twelve and half hours every night. I eat a fruit smoothie for breakfast around 9.30 am. I eat lunch at 1 pm and an evening snack of either oats or fruits or salad around 5 pm. Between meals, I do not eat or drink anything other than plain water or warm water.
Twelve hour fasting at night is a natural result of effective living not an enforced restriction to make the day effective. I have written five articles in a series called “Self Care series”. These include what is wholesome sleep, how to enjoy wholesome sleep, how to drink water, how and when to eat food and finally what is wholesome physical activity. Please use the following links to read all the five articles.http://hyderabadpsychologist.com/category/selvan/page/3/http://hyderabadpsychologist.com/category/selvan/page/2/
However, even when you know what is good for the body after reading all these articles, it may be very difficult or almost impossible to cultivate all of it into a daily routine habit. This is because you would be focusing only on the hardware ignoring the software. Our energy body is our operating software and the physical body is only the hardware. Treating or working on the physical body alone gives only temporary effect but when you work on both the levels simultaneously wholesome healing results.
Please read the following article to learn and practice balancing and healing the energy body and then cultivating healthy physical habits would be very simple and easy.

Selvan Srinivasan · 1y
Can someone who has never been able to meditate learn how to do it and get results from it?
Yes you can, it is quiet simple actually. You only need to learn when you have to do something. Meditation is a practice of non-doing being. You just need to choose not to do anything. But here the activity is mental activity not physical activity. Just do the following for one to three minutes and see what happens. This is FGCB or Fixed Gazing and Conscious Breathing. Simply take a few minutes to be with this practice several times during the day for a few days. It would be even more helpful if you can practice three minutes of gentle body movements called Deep crossing after the FGCB and continue with the FGCB while doing this. It is demonstrated in the below link for the YouTube video. Selvans Deep crossing: https://youtu.be/qq6iKZquuVI After several days of the above practice, listen to the following guided meditation audio and sit with the practice of 5 minutes short open eyes meditation. Sit for the meditation after doing deep crossing. Selvans Guided Meditation – Witnessing the four simultaneous activities: If you want to go further, you may use the other longer closed eyes meditation audios in my SoundCloud profile to progressively practice with meditation. Another option is to enroll for my online mentoring program called Awareness Journey. Read about it in the link below.