Both and neither. When one keeps learning and practicing, they would keep getting better. Perfect is a fictional place similar to the horizon. When you look out from the ship the horizon looks like a few miles away. After sailing several miles, it still looks like a few miles away. If you set your destination as the horizon and start sailing, you are never going to reach there, ever.
Aiming for perfection is the perfect recipe for lifelong dissatisfaction and unhappiness. It is actually low self-esteem that shows up as an intense need to be perfect. Such people are called perfectionists. They would expect everyone else to be perfect and so intensely focused on getting something perfect that they fail to live life.
Q 1. Where is life happening? I
It is happening in the here and now.
Q 2. Where does perfection lie?
Perfection always lies in the future.
Q 3. Where is the future?
Future is only a thought or an imagination in the thinking mind.
We can only live and experience life in the present moment. The path towards a new goal of Happiness and Joy for a perfectionist is to simply pause and return back to grounding. Simply take a couple of minutes to do the following experiment with yourself. If you like it, simply repeat it as often as possible throughout the day, especially when the need to attain perfection seems pressing