I can authoritatively confirm that regular practice of energy movements and meditation results in complete freedom from suffering and pain. Even infections including very contagious ones like covid has no effect on someone who is able to cultivate a lifelong habit of this practice. All chronic diseases are actually an outcome of modern urban lifestyle that keeps our mind continuously and restlessly engaged. Disease happens when the mind remains exhausted for a long time.
I have done extensive research and have written a book on this, which is under publication right now. People have no way to find out when the mind gets tired. With our physical body we know when it is tired and we pause physical activity and rest by sitting or lying or napping or sleeping or having a hot bath or massage. But with our mind, there is no metric to gauge its level of tiredness because mental tiredness shows up as restlessness, sadness, depression, anxiety, worry, indecisiveness, stress, or some such things and we end up treating it with more mental activity such as watching a movie or some other form of entertainment or distractions which always involves more mental activity and never rest. Meditation is the only way to rest the mind.
Our physical body is the pinnacle of evolution and it has an inbuilt ability to completely heal itself. But it works only when our mind steps out of the way and allows the body to do it’s normal healing function. Our body keeps producing new cells to replace old cells all the time and in this way our entire body cells get replaced every two years. At any point of time our entire physical body is no older than two years. Our body is created with a self healing mechanism to keep us free from suffering and pain. But we see almost the entire humanity today suffering in one way or other.
This is because of the non-stop mental activity that keeps our mind engaged all the time. These include the monologues in our mind with ourselves, the dialogues we carry out mentally with an imaginary person, the voices of others in our mind telling us what not to do, memories of past events, worries about the future, planning, working, calculating, computing, watching something (videos) listening to something (such as podcasts), reading, fantasising, imagining, dreaming, etc. We are habituated to this and so it seems to be happening effortlessly and automatically, although we are doing it. We don’t know how to stop it.
Here is my suggested solution for you. To begin with please see if you can do the simple practice suggested in the following article for two weeks. And see if it helps give you some relief at least.

Selvan Srinivasan · 1y
I have disease due to meditation in which my mind and my brain is not in my control. I feel that some energy inside me is controlling me. What should I do to overcome this disease?
No need to meditate. Instead learn a simple two minute practice called FGCB (fixed gazing and conscious breathing) and a three minute practice called Deep crossing energy movements (DC). Learn these two from the following links so that you are able to do it without watching the video and then I will tell you how often and how long to do it. Selvans Deep crossing: https://youtu.be/qq6iKZquuVI Here is your instructions for how to practice. First begin with a minute of FGCB and then do the DC very slowly and very gently even as you continue staying with FGCB. After doing DC stay for a minute more simply with FGCB. Repeat this practice once every two hours for two weeks. Start with this practice immediately upon waking up in the morning before doing anything else mentally or physically. Do it the last thing before going to sleep and after that don’t do anything else except sleep. Let me know if you feel healed from your disease after two weeks of consistent practice.
If this makes you interested in going deeper and experiencing complete freedom from suffering and pain just as I did, please read the following and reach out to enrol into my online mentoring program called Awareness Journey.

Selvan Srinivasan · 1y
Is healing just a myth?
Yes, for the thinking mind it is only a myth. Until five years ago it was a myth for me. We see medical science telling us that most of our chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, autoimmune disease, etc are lifelong and we can only manage it with lifelong medication to be able to carry on with a relatively normal life. Healing is not something that belongs to the gross physical world that can be perceived by our physical senses or studied and understood by our conceptual, analytical mind. On the other hand, I am not sure how to explain my own journey into healing. I am sixty years old. I have suffered with sinusitis for almost five decades of my life. I could not run after I met with a road accident that injured my knee in my twenties. I also suffered with major hyperacidity, hypertension, insomnia, spondylitis and lower back pain for many decades. Five years ago I went through an unbelievable transformation and I do not suffer any of these conditions anymore. I am a marathon runner now and I feel more alive and energetic every day now than how I used to feel in my thirties. I have written a book this year about the amazing healing journey of the people who enrolled into my online mentoring program called Awareness Journey. This book is with the publisher now under editing and is likely to be published in January 2023. I invite you to read about my life story using the following website link or listen to it on my YouTube channel linked below. In conclusion, healing is a myth from a particular standpoint and healing is a real life experience from a different standpoint. One can choose where to stand and look at healing to either see a myth or a possibility.