Awareness Journey

What are some lesser-known benefits of practicing meditation regularly?

I have been practicing meditation regularly for almost three decades now. I have also mentored and guided others to practice meditation throughout most of this time. I have seen many people have a regular morning practice with meditation but unable to bring that meditative state of mind into their regular live.

Most people who practice meditation regularly feel mental relief, and experience peace and joy during the meditation session and for a brief period afterwards. They would go to long meditation retreats and enjoy exquisite experience of joy during such periods. However when they come back to their routine life, there would be no change in their behaviour or in their health.

This results in two different lines. The spiritual life and the material life. One doesn’t impact the other in any way. Why is this so?

This is because we look at the practice with our logical, analytical, rational mind or our thinking-mind. We want to learn all about the possible benefits by reading about it or listening to others. This then creates an expectation. Expectations inhibit the actual experience of the meditative state. Lesser known benefits are lesser known because they are so subtle and they exist only in the realm of pure experience.

One would need handholding for a sustained period of time to help us cultivate a habit of living life with a meditative state of mind. This is also called the mindful way of being present and focused throughout the day. All our habits that we currently have of which we are not even aware, got cultivated in our childhood when our parents or caregivers or the society around us especially during the first decade of our life, hand held us and helped us ingrain these habits.

My book “Awareness Journey | The Happy Place module – A journey into the deepest aspects of you” is one such mentoring journey. The reader will be hand held through a one month journey to make being in the Happy Place within your default mode of being. This is exactly same as being able to stay present and focused all day. You will experience all the lesser known benefits practically on this journey and then read about it in the book too.

Buy the book and embark on your own journey into Awareness using the following link. You can also seek one on one mentoring through my six month online course also titled “Awareness Journey”. The book guides you on how to do this.