Awareness Journey

What are some practical steps one can take to establish a daily meditation practice?

A healthy strategy needs to include many other factors than just meditation to ensure that it is cultivated into a habit. A habit is something one does automatically, unthinkingly. Like brushing upon waking. You don’t schedule or plan or think about this, you just do it every day unfailingly.

I give below a list of daily activities that can be built into a habitual routine with mentoring support. These habits can help prevent infections by boosting immunity, deeply heal existing chronic disease conditions and prevent suffering and pain, balance and heal mental and emotional conditions and also give happiness, joy and peace of mind.

1. Drink 750 ml to one litre of water upon waking up and throughout the day drink water in the right way only. Refer Selvan Srinivasan’s post in Awareness Journey (Selvan Srinivasan’s post in Awareness Journey)

2. Practice gentle body movements known as energy movements for fifteen minutes upon waking and before sleeping every day. Learn these energy movements from my YouTube videos available on my website. Awareness Journey (Awareness Journey)

3. Practice ten minutes of gratitude meditation at least once every day. Selvans Guided Meditation – Opening the flow of Gratitude (Selvans Guided Meditation – Opening the flow of Gratitude)

4. Practice at least ten minutes of Look, Breathe, Tap meditation before going to sleep every night and fall asleep while doing this. In other words be with this practice until you fall asleep.

Selvans Guided Meditation – Look Breathe Tap (Selvans Guided Meditation – Look Breathe Tap)

5. Learn what is wholesome sleep and how to enjoy wholesome sleep and ensure that you get at least seven hours of deep healing sleep every night. Refer Selvan Srinivasan’s post in Awareness Journey (Selvan Srinivasan’s post in Awareness Journey)

6. Learn FGCB and come back to your presence or grounding with this by repeating it for two minutes at least once every hour throughout the day. Your first tool for an effective meditation practice – Focused Breathing and Conscious Breathing – FGCB (Your first tool for an effective meditation practice – Focused Breathing and Conscious Breathing – FGCB)

These are the bare minimum daily routine practices. To learn more about this and get hand holding support in cultivating it into a habit simply buy my book : “Awareness Journey | The Happy Place Module” and go through the step by step guidance provided in it for one month. You can find the book on Amazon or other online bookstores.