Awareness Journey

What are suggestions stored in my mind?

The voice in our head or the inner voice that usually tells us things such as “don’t do it (let me not do it)” “it’s my (your) fault”, “I (you) are stupid, “you (I) don’t deserve this”. It may address us in the first person or second person but either way it is the same. It comes out in the form of a mental monologue, it seems like we are talking to ourself. But this is not our Intuition or our deep inner desires.

These are the voices of others, of society’s expectations or our perception of society’s expectations. They are recorded in our memory deeply and so they seem like our own voice. The deepest suggestions stored in our mind are all the repeated admonitions and encouragement’s we got until the age of ten. Our parents or whoever brought us up would have repeatedly said many things, negative or positive, to us and when we grow up into adults there is a parental voice sitting inside us continuing to constantly tell us what to do and what not to do. It is usually discouragements and they usually prevent us from growing into a wholesome human being.

Our self-esteem is formed out of these voices in our mind. We continually look at ourself from the perspective of others and never from within ourself. This is the result of constantly remaining in our mind. We live in our mind all the time, completely absent from the present moment and from our body. The only way to quieten and eventually let go the voice in our mind is to regain our grounding. When we do this, we will start perceiving our true inner voice which is our intuitive mind and intuitive thoughts.

The following article suggests how to go about this