Awareness Journey

What can having forward head posture cause?

You can find all information or the causes and effects of having a forward head posture if you just google the term. Therefore, I would like to focus on the hidden non-physical, underlying cause that has resulted in having forward head posture. I would also like to provide an easy pathway of healing.

The underlying cause is the tendency of our Thinking Mind to already jump to the next thing while you are still engaged in doing something. For example the moment one wakes up and is still not fully awake, their body is lying in the bed and the mind is already gone ahead and brushing teeth. When the body slowly starts brushing, the mind is alreayd drinking coffee. It goes so on throughout the day.

One might find themselves saying things like “kepe my breakfast ready, I will rush and have a shower and be right back.” Even before going to shower, they have already charted out the next activity. The body always finds itself beign dragged forward by a restless, impatient mind. It is like a parent dragging an unwilling child to school when the child wants to pause for a while.

The solution is to learn the skill of switching off the incessant chatter of the mind for a few minutes and rest quietly in the present moment. I mention present moment because the mental activity either concerns the past or the future. It is not easy to be able to quiet the mind at first because of the conditioning it has gone through while growing up. When the mind quietens, one would find themselves being present in their body. This is called an Aware state of being, or a Grounded state of being, or being in the Present moment of thought free awareness.

There are many practices that you can use as a portal to switch to this state of quiet awareness from the usual restless, distracted and thinking state of mind. Some of the effective practices that I teach are, Focussed Gazing and Conscious breathing, Deep Crossing and other gently body movements in sync with the breath that I refer to as Energy Movements, Gentle flexing and stretching movements that I refer to as SelvanS 30 Yoga, etc.

You can find resources to learn all of these on my website or in the various articles that I have published on my Quora Profile or in my book titled Inner Alchemy.

In the beginning it is only possible to remain in this aware state for a few seconds. Consistent practice would gradually improve body awareness and you may find that the body posture automatically corrects itself.