For almost twenty years, up to five years ago, I used to dread 2 am! I would be wide awake, eyes very tired and so unable to read anything, scattered thoughts all over my life and feeling very very hungry. Before that, I would have slept off at about 11 pm due to exhaustion and that sleep would last for not more than two and half to three hours. That’s all, for the rest of the night I would be struggling with my thoughts, nothing productive would come out of that thinking and only in the early morning shortly before the set alarm rings, I would have fallen asleep again.
All this are now a thing of the past. In the last five years, many times I do wake up around two am or sometimes it would be three am, to go to the toilet. I would simply return back to my bed and fall asleep. I have now discovered the switch with which I am able to switch off my thinking mind and simply be in my body with my awareness until sleep happens. Lack of wholesome sleep is the primary cause for all the pain and suffering experienced by the entire humanity.
To learn what is wholesome sleep and how to enjoy wholesome sleep please visit my website and navigate to my blog page to browse through my articles. Most other articles also would be interesting. You would also find plenty of free resources to aid with the practice of meditation and deep healing, and can reach out to seek mentoring support to help cultivate habits conducive to wholesome balanced living and holistic wellbeing.https://awarenessjourney.org/