The best way to find out is to experiment with it. But before that, we need to realise that gratitude is not something one needs to be doing intentionally as an act of doing. The following article helps in understanding what is the state of gratefulness and how to remain in this state as our default state of being.

Humanity “THE BEST RELIGION” · November 20, 2022
How can we train our minds to be Positive?
The greatest positive attitude is the attitude of gratitude. The core nature of our mind is that of gratitude. As little babies, all of us were always in our place of joy and gratitude within. Our home within is our happy place and the energy of gratitude is available in limitless quantities there. We have simply got lost and forgotten our way back home to the grounded place within us. How did we get lost and where did we get lost? We got lost in our thinking mind by getting engaged with the non-stop mental activity in it. The following article explains this. Is it normal to experience uncontrollable self-talk ? Simply pause for a minute and practice with the following experiment and see how you feel. What are some breathing exercises for beginners who struggle with focusing on their breath while meditating? What is gratitude and how to return back to our natural state of gratitude is explained in the following article. After reading this, I suggest a sitting practice of gratitude meditation with the guided meditation audio link shared below. Selvans Guided Meditation – Opening the flow of Gratitude: Selvans Guided Meditation – Opening the flow of Gratitude For learning energy movements and other guided meditation resources please explore my website linked below.
The important point to note is that we go about cultivating a positive attitude of gratitude as our default, habitual state of being. It becomes an automatic habit, a lifelong habit or a way of life. And not as a specific task for attaining a desired effect because doing something for getting something in return is not what gratitude or positive mindset is.
I can share what happened to me and my life when I was able to do the above. A flow and synchronicity arises in our life experiences. I have written elaborately about this in my life story and have also spoken about it in several videos that are available on my YouTube channel. You can find all these information in my website, the link for which is provided in the article attached above.