The problem with a single event of great spiritual awakening is that it usually pushes the person back into mundane life and away from further spiritual pursuits for a long long time. I will tell you my own greatest spiritual awakening end of this article, before that I would like to say something about the process of spiritual awakening.
As a gradual process of spiritual awakening, lot of things have stopped happening in my life now. I would like to share these here briefly. I no longer struggle to fall asleep when I go to bed each night. I no longer lie in my bed awake in the middle of the night, unable to sleep. I no longer feel hungry and want to raid the fridge around 2 am in the night. Although I am alone many times, I no longer feel lonely. Although I still have irrational fears, I do not have any phobias now. Although I get angry and express my anger to people, it no longer hurts them or it no longer ends up breaking our relationships, even momentarily. Although I feel sad and lethargic many times, I no longer feel depressed or lost. Although I still wish for many things that I don’t yet have in life, I no longer feel needy or desperately wanting of anything. I no longer get infections such as viral or bacterial infections although I do not focus any attention to physically avoid contact with people suffering with these. I no longer suffer with pain. This was a bit unexpected because I am sixty years of age and it is even now seemingly unbelievable that I experience no body pains anywhere in my body other than momentary experiences during the healing of someone with pains. It is like this since the past few years.
The list is actually endless. It didn’t happen suddenly one day otherwise it would have been my greatest awakening. I wasn’t even specifically aware or noticed it when many of the things stopped happening in my life. Only now when I look back at the last five years of my life and compare it with the previous five decades of my life, it becomes evident.
It is my realisation that spiritual practice or spiritual awakening is not something apart from simple mundane material life. There are no two paths. There is just one path and it is the path of our life journey, I would like to call it our Awareness Journey. We could either skilfully navigate this one path and then it would be known as spiritual path. Or we could stumble through our life journey unskilfully and it would be known as material life. I would like to see it as skilful living rather than spiritual awakening.
There is no end point in our life journey. There is just the journey, the process. But greatest spiritual awakening implies an end point in the path of spiritual awakening. What happens to life after the greatest spiritual awakening? It would be less than greatest and we would be constantly in a needy state wanting and striving to experience it again or something even greater than it, again, isn’t it?
Awakening into this moment, every moment of my life is the greatest spiritual awakening for me 🥰🌹