In my opinion Amrit is a combination of two words namely Am = Common and RIT(riti)= procedure or method. In other words, right procedure or right method. Another meaning for the Sanskrit word Amrit is water. So the right procedure of drinking water is the elixir for everlasting well-being. This is my interpretation of immortal and I have experienced dramatic transformation in my health conditions after learning and practicing this method of consuming water about a decade ago.
Please read the following article to learn the procedure and do it yourself just for one week to see if it really works or not.

Selvan Srinivasan · 1y
What is the healthiest water to drink?
The healthiest water to drink is simple plain pure H2O. Fresh mountain spring water near the peak of a mountain is the most perfect water to drink. If you are living in nature, mountain spring water would be the perfect elixir. However, in our urban environment it is important to understand the type of water our body needs. Water needs to be filtered, clear and very slightly pH alkaline not acidic (chlorinated water becomes acidic). It also needs to retain the natural trace dissolved minerals and not be hundred percent distilled pure water. If you have a good RO water purifier, adding just a grain of rock salt and a few drops of lemon to a litre of water may be enough. The temperature of water you drink is also very important. The best temperature would be to drink water at body temperature, which will make it seem tepid or seem mildly lukewarm. Refrigerated or iced water or very hot water is not helpful as the body goes into a limbic shock to deal with consumption of too cold or too hot things. What gives you a seemingly energetic boost when you drink something too cold or hot is probably the hormones secreted by your body as a result of limbic response and not the drink itself and it eventually takes a toll. Knowing when to drink water and how much to drink makes the difference between healthy body and disease. Read the following article to learn what makes water the elixir to everlasting health and wellness.