Awareness Journey

What is the best place to meditate?

What is the best place to sleep, to brush teeth, to wash hands, to have a bath, to drink water, to eat, to poop or pee ? These are things that you do daily or several times daily. You simply do it wherever you find yourself in, although you may have a favourite pace to do each of these activities.

Meditating is not the point. Cultivating a lifelong habit of returning back to my grounded space within to quietly rest my mind often is what works miracles in my life.

In my opinion meditation needs to be the first thing on the list above for a wholesome life free from suffering and pain.

I begin my day with a one hour practice of energy movements and meditation and end my day with another one hour practice of the same. So these two practices happen on my bed, at home or if I am travelling, in a hotel bed or the train or wherever I sleep. Throughout the day I return back to be in this space with a two to five minute practice several times.

It doesn’t take away any time from my regular activities because it frees me from a lot of things I used to do previously. Such as suffering from headaches and body pains, falling sick, visiting the doctor, worrying, getting into angry outbursts, breaking relationships, trying to rebuild broken relationships, insomnia, etc.

To learn how to cultivate this habit and how it transforms one’s life and to seek mentoring support please visit my website. You can find several free resources to guide you through this journey.