When the house is totally in a mess it becomes very difficult to find the car keys, wallet or mobile phone. Every time we keep searching and unable to focus or find the object we need, namely our goal.
This is how our mind is all the time. Not only messy but also exhausted. The stuff lying around in our head and constantly engaging our mind in mental activity include the monologues in our mind with ourselves, the dialogues we carry out mentally with an imaginary person, the voices of others in our mind telling us what not to do, memories of past events, worries about the future, fantasising, imagining, dreaming, etc. We are habituated to this and so it seems to be happening effortlessly and automatically, although we are doing it. We don’t know how to stop it.In this mess the other things that our mind needs to do such as planning, working, calculating, computing, watching something (videos) listening to something (such as podcasts), reading, studying, focusing, concentrating, paying attention, gets lost.
We can cultivate a set of daily routine habits that will help maintain a completely spic and span clean space in our mind. Meditation is mental rest. It rejuvenated our mind and helps us remain energetic, active and positive throughout the day. But before resting the mind first deeds to slow down and disengage from the constant mental activities listed above. That is why a set of practices (for about 30 minutes each time) to be followed every morning and night and another set of practices that can take just two to five minutes to be repeated several times frequently during the day helps the mind stay rested and quiet (clean or free of mess).
There is no need to put any effort to focus on the goals when the mind is rested and quiet all the time. When the house is clean and tidy and the car keys are always hanging on the key stand, why do we need to put any effort to find it each time?
The following article suggests some ways and if you wish to learn more or seek mentoring support, please visit my website linked below.

Selvan Srinivasan · 1y
What are some ways to train your brain to be more positive?
The greatest positive attitude is the attitude of gratitude. The core nature of our mind is that of gratitude. As little babies, all of us were always in our place of joy and gratitude within. Our home within is our happy place and the energy of gratitude is available in limitless quantities there. We have simply got lost and forgotten our way back home to the grounded place within us. How did we get lost and where did we get lost? We got lost in our thinking mind by getting engaged with the non-stop mental activity in it. The following article explains this. Simply pause for a minute and practice with the following experiment and see how you feel. What is gratitude and how to return back to our natural state of gratitude is explained in the following article. After reading this, I suggest a sitting practice of gratitude meditation with the guided meditation audio link shared below. Selvans Guided Meditation – Opening the flow of Gratitude:https://awarenessjourney.org/