Awareness Journey

Why, after meditation, have I started to feel as if the sky has opened to something else? The sky and my mind feels different as if they have opened.

Feeling expansive, feeling open, feeling connected, feeling stillness, feeling quiet or calm or peace, feeling lightness, feeling heaviness, all of these or any of these may arise when we shift into a state of being. Being in a state of non-doing, mental non-doing happens when the thinking-mind slows down its restless mental activity and quietly rests in the aware mind.

This shift can happen during a sitting practice of closed eyes meditation. It can also occur while practicing gentle body movements called energy movements. It can also happen during a two minute open eyes meditative practice called FGCB (or Focused Gazing and Conscious Breathing). It can happen during a mindful practice of yoga or nature walk or even something mundane as dishwashing. Although these are physical activities they are still categorised as non-doing being when we are able to do these activities with full presence and a resting mind.

Our normal way of living in today’s modern society is to live in our thinking-mind. This is known as unconscious living in some spiritual traditions because one is not aware of the process of breathing happening in the body as a felt sensation of the movements in the body while breathing. We are completely distracted and engaged with the world around us that the breathing happens without our conscious awareness of it.

It is possible to extend this feeling of openness throughout our day even when we are engaged with our daily activities. When we learn this skill and cultivate it into our life we go through a deeply healing and transformative experience in all aspects of our life.

I would invite the reader to check out and buy my book linked below to read inspiring stories about such transformations and to go through this journey in the deepest aspects of your awareness.