Awareness Journey

Why am I feeling so exhausted?

I feel so very exhausted and I feel like this all the time, even after waking up in the morning!

I can completely connect and understand how this feels because I used to feel it all the time. That was five years ago and it was probably that way since several decades. I had gotten used to being that way and I had no clue that it is possible to not feel exhausted.

Feeling exhausted is normal, it is human. We do activity, we feel exhausted. It gives us a sense of satisfaction when we exhaust ourselves in doing something we are passionate about. And then we take rest and we feel energetic so that we can once again start doing activity. But the problem is when we feel exhausted all the time

Five years ago, I went through a seemingly miraculous transition in my life. That’s when I realised that it is possible to feel rested and relaxed and active and energetic sometimes. The real question beneath this question that needs to be asked is…..

How can I feel rested, relaxed, active and energetic instead of feeling exhausted all the time.

We don’t just need to understand the reason why we feel exhausted, we need a way out of it. The reason is simple, one feels exhausted because they are unable to rest their mind. The mind is constantly engaged and engrossed in activity, mental activity all the time, and it even keeps happening during sleep. The mind has forgotten how to stop and rest.

The following two articles explains why this happens and how to come out of it.