Awareness Journey

Why do I sometimes find it uncomfortable to breathe from the nose, I feel like I don’t get enough oxygen. and also I get so many sneezes? Is this just my habit or do I have some breathing problems?

Instead of struggling to find out the reasons for all these things, I would suggest a set of practices to help you enjoy freedom from these conditions namely difficulty breathing through the nostrils and repeated sneezing.

Learn and do the energy movements called Deep Crossing from the video linked below. It takes about three minutes to do once you have learnt it.

Selvans Deep crossing:

After this sit with Fixed Gazing and Conscious Breathing (FGCB) for two to five minutes depending on how busy you are. While sitting with FGCB simultaneously keep tapping gently with the tips of your fingers on the following points alternatively – (1) Crown of your head, (2) Eyebrows, (3) Temples, (4) Under the eyes, (5) Between the upper lips and nose, (6) Between the lower lips and chin, (7) Below the end of the Collarbone, (8) Armpits. Use your hands one at a time alternatively for the tapping. Tapping to be done slowly and gently, barely touching the skin.

FGCB is described below:

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Selvan Srinivasan · 1y

What are some breathing exercises for beginners who struggle with focusing on their breath while meditating?

Do this for just three minutes and see if it helps. Sit on a straight back chair with feet flat on the floor, the entire soles of the feet from tips of the toes to the heels firmly contacting the floor. Keep your back erect, you may place a cushion behind your back for support if required but do not lean back on an inclined backrest of the chair. Let your head be held straight, neck straight, shoulders square and relaxed. You may tilt the head very slightly downward to gaze at a point on the floor in front of you a few feet away from you. Keep your eyes fixed on that spot for the three minutes without moving your eyeballs. Allow your eyes to be half open and half closed and hold that spot in a gentle gaze and not a stare. You are not looking there to see something but simply holding that spot in a gentle gaze. Exhale with a loud sigh from your mouth and use gentle effort to empty your lungs as far as possible without straining too much. Then relax your body and allow the inhale to happen effortlessly and soundlessly through your nostrils. When you sense that the inhale is over, do not put any further effort to breathe in but repeat the exhale from the mouth with the sound and gentle effort. I call this conscious breathing. Effort only for the out breaths and allowing in breaths to happen effortlessly. This entire process is called FGCB or fixed gazing with conscious breathing. You may set hourly reminder alerts on your smartphone and repeat this 3 minute FGCB every hour throughout the day today and see how it helps with calming your mind. This is a powerful grounding practice and you can do this even when you are driving and waiting for the red signal to turn green. Allow any such interruptions in your day to remind you to come back to the practice of FGCB repeatedly. For more information and plenty of free resources to aid with the practice of meditation and deep healing, please visit my website.

Do the above two activities which would take five to eight minutes every time, once in the morning immediately upon waking and repeat it every two hours throughout the day until you go to sleep at night. You will find dramatic improvement in your condition after one week of consistent practice.

In addition to this it would help to bring your blood pH from severely acidic to alkaline. Some of the practices mentioned in the article linked below would help you do this.

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Awareness Journey · October 27, 2022

How to deal with excessive heat in the body – Acidic to Alkaline Body. The natural overall pH of our body is slightly alkaline and in this state we feel at ease, our immunity towards infectious diseases are at its peak and we are physically fit and healthy. Due to various lifestyle factors our body tends to become acidic putting us in a state of unease and making us vulnerable to disease. Short term coping ways such as caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, sugary or salty snacks, and other substances while giving temporary relief tends to make our body even more acidic making it habitual. We are unable to survive without these and over time it leads to chronic disease. In this article we shall see the factors that cause excessive body heat, the symptoms to look for to recognise the same and the practices that we can cultivate into a regular habit to enable our body to regain its natural pH balance. The unconscious habitual tendencies leading to excessive body heat: 1. Shallow breathing. 2. Imbalance in Circadian rhythm due to irregular timing of sleep and eating. 3. Lack of minimal physical movement and activity. 4. Overthinking, excessive stress or anxiety, excessive worrying. 5. Addiction to caffeine, nicotine, other psychotic drugs, alcohol. 6. Consuming too much sugary or salty or deep fried foods. 7. Having bath or shower in very hot water. 8. Frequently drinking cold water or iced drinks. 9. Medication such as antibiotics and pain killers. Symptoms or indications that could tell you that the body is acidic. * Feeling too hot and uneasy all the time. * Burning sensations especially in the feet. * Prone to Boils, pimples, acne. * Itching and prone to skin infections. * Chronic conditions such as constipation, acidity, diabetes, hypertension, migraine, sinusitis, runny nose, asthma, allergies, indicate longterm acidic body. * Prone to frequent infections such as common cold, virals fevers, * Feeling lethargic and exhausted most of the time. A basic shift in mindset to allow space and time every day for self-care is the first step. From this frame of mind, set an intention to cultivate a few lifestyle practices that I have listed below. It would also help to go back and read the five self-care articles relating to sleep, water, food and physical activity as well as the previous article on Circadian rhythm to understand what your body needs for a wholesome experience of life. Your career, your commitments to the care of other family members and dependants, your commitments to the society are all very important and to be able to be more effective in all these areas, I suggest that your first and foremost priority needs to be self-care. The Remedy: Here is a list of activities and practices you could include into your daily routine and cultivate it as a habit until it becomes as effortless as brushing or having a bath: 1. Rub a drop of Castor oil on the crown of your head and navel before going to bed every night. 2. Soak 7 almonds overnight and peal it and eat the morning before your tea or coffee or breakfast. 3. Soak one teaspoon fenugreek seeds overnight n eat in the morning one hour after drinking water. 4. Gargle in mouth one large tablespoon of coconut oil for 10 mins and spit out. Do not gargle with water afterwards for 30 mins. 5. Sleep on your right side throughout the night and on left side for 1 hour before getting up. 6. One deep breath practice – as frequent as possible just take one deep breath in from the nose and out from the mouth, the out breath longer and louder than the in breath. You can learn and practice Chandrabedi (Left in right out breathing), Sheetali breathing, each 10 repeats. 7. Massage Coconut oil vigorously on head and whole body and have bath in room temp or mildly lukewarm water after one hour. Repeat at least twice a week. On other days have bath in cold water or tepid water but end it with cold water. 8. 7 hours sleep every night with same timings. One hour afternoon nap whenever possible. 9. Drink half a litre of alkaline water in a day preferably warm (mix one teaspoon baking soda in half litre filtered water and sip slowly). 10. You can learn other tools such as heat reduction holding points, energy movements and meditation when you enrol for the Awareness Journey course. Regularly practicing all of the above is not only preventive but could also reverse chronic lifestyle diseases in the long term.