Awareness Journey

Why do spiritual people want to help others?

What happens when you visit somewhere and happen to witness the most beautiful scene in your life? You want to show it to others. You recommend this place to everyone you know and you may plan future trips to the same place along with your nearest and dearest ones, wanting them to feel what you felt when you first saw the scene.

Spiritual people are on a different journey and this is called Awareness Journey. A journey within, into the deepest aspects of one’s own mind. Along the way, so many amazing, unbelievable, unimaginable experiences occur which do not even have words in most languages to convey. A video camera to record all these is yet to be invented.

They are simply recommending this place to everyone and showing snippets of their experiences and this looks like helping. They are not helping, they are just enjoying themselves. They are just being. They are just living.

The dam within opens up and infinitely vast reservoirs of the energies of gratitude, compassion, loving kindness and gracefulness starts flowing out and these energies just keep flowing out even when they are not meditating. Even when they are just being and just living, it keeps flowing and it is now no longer dam able. Although it seems as if they are helping others, no they are simply enjoying themselves.