Yes you can, it is quiet simple actually. You only need to learn when you have to do something. Meditation is a practice of non-doing being. You just need to choose not to do anything. But here the activity is mental activity not physical activity.
Just do the following for one to three minutes and see what happens.

Humanity “THE BEST RELIGION” · December 18, 2022
Your first tool for an effective meditation practice – Focused Breathing and Conscious Breathing – FGCB
Do this for just three minutes and see if it helps. Sit on a straight back chair with feet flat on the floor, the entire soles of the feet from tips of the toes to the heels firmly contacting the floor. Keep your back erect, you may place a cushion behind your back for support if required but do not lean back on an inclined backrest of the chair. Let your head be held straight, neck straight, shoulders square and relaxed. You may tilt the head very slightly downward to gaze at a point on the floor in front of you a few feet away from you. Keep your eyes fixed on that spot for the three minutes without moving your eyeballs. Allow your eyes to be half open and half closed and hold that spot in a gentle gaze and not a stare. You are not looking there to see something but simply holding that spot in a gentle gaze. Exhale with a loud sigh from your mouth and use gentle effort to empty your lungs as far as possible without straining too much. Then relax your body and allow the inhale to happen effortlessly and soundlessly through your nostrils. When you sense that the inhale is over, do not put any further effort to breathe in but repeat the exhale from the mouth with the sound and gentle effort. I call this conscious breathing. Effort only for the out breaths and allowing in breaths to happen effortlessly. This entire process is ca…
This is FGCB or Fixed Gazing and Conscious Breathing. Simply take a few minutes to be with this practice several times during the day for a few days. It would be even more helpful if you can practice three minutes of gentle body movements called Deep crossing after the FGCB and continue with the FGCB while doing this. It is demonstrated in the below link for the YouTube video.
Selvans Deep crossing:
After several days of the above practice, listen to the following guided meditation audio and sit with the practice of 5 minutes short open eyes meditation. Sit for the meditation after doing deep crossing.
Selvans Guided Meditation – Witnessing the four simultaneous activities:
Selvans Short Meditation – Witnessing The 4 Simultaneous Activities
This is a five minutes short guided meditation for slowing down the racing thoughts in your mind and coming back into grounded presence within yourself with a quiet mind. You can do this at any time d
If you want to go further, you may use the other longer closed eyes meditation audios in my SoundCloud profile to progressively practice with meditation.
SelvanS Mentoring
Listen to SelvanS Mentoring | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds you create.
Another option is to enroll for my online mentoring program called Awareness Journey. Read about it in the link below.