How can technology be leveraged to promote health awareness and preventive care in communities?
FGCB and DC has been the most helpful doctor in my life. After starting to
FGCB and DC has been the most helpful doctor in my life. After starting to
FGCB and DC which are two most effective mindfulness and meditation techniques have led to
Thank you for posing this insightful question. It’s prompted me to revisit into the heart
Breathing happens all the time. We begin our life by starting to breathe and when
Keep your feet in a tub of warm water preferably with some rock salt dissolved
I truly empathise with your struggle with headaches, as I’ve encountered a similar battle myself.
In the shadow of modernity, where the sedentary lifestyle has become a silent epidemic, its
From the perspective of Energy Healing and Ayurveda, the primary cause of low immunity, which
‘Presence of Mind’ refers to the ability to remember or know exactly what to do in
Allow your mind to pause and rest for a few minutes at least a few