Living in the moment means being alive, living life. There is no time that exists when we could be alive except the present moment. When we are not living in the moment, we are not living at all. One would wonder what else are we doing if we are not living.
The answer is that we are doing and not living. We are passing through life instead of experiencing life. We live in our mind and our mind is always engaged with memories of the past or worries about our future. Both past and future exists merely in our mind in the form of memories and imagination. Neither the past or future exist in real life.
When we step out of our thinking mind and step into the awareness of the aliveness in our body, we are able to live in the moment. We can do this by thinking about it about it and end up continuing to live in our mind. Instead, simply feel the breath flowing in and out and the simultaneous body movements of expansion and contraction as a felt body sensation in real time and be with this sensation. Expand this awareness to start feeling all the body sensations happening throughout our body simultaneously. You will be able to do so only when you stop verbalising or naming whatever you notice in your mind and instead simply feel and experience it in your body.
This process is called grounding or returning back to the flow of earth energy through our body. You can read more about it by going through a few articles such as “How to be Present”, “The problem with ‘I have to finish’ stance” and others the blog page of my website.
You can practice it and experience it yourself by learning a few skills and experimenting with it. Please read the following article to learn how to.

Selvan Srinivasan · 1y
What are some ways to train your brain to be more positive?
The greatest positive attitude is the attitude of gratitude. The core nature of our mind is that of gratitude. As little babies, all of us were always in our place of joy and gratitude within. Our home within is our happy place and the energy of gratitude is available in limitless quantities there. We have simply got lost and forgotten our way back home to the grounded place within us. How did we get lost and where did we get lost? We got lost in our thinking mind by getting engaged with the non-stop mental activity in it. The following article explains this. Simply pause for a minute and practice with the following experiment and see how you feel. What is gratitude and how to return back to our natural state of gratitude is explained in the following article. After reading this, I suggest a sitting practice of gratitude meditation with the guided meditation audio link shared below. Selvans Guided Meditation – Opening the flow of Gratitude:
For more information and plenty of free resources to aid with the practice of meditation and deep healing, please visit my website.