What are the side effects of yoga if you have C-PTSD? I tried it for a week and I feel more stressed.
Yoga is not just a set of physical postures, movements and stretches. Western medical science
Yoga is not just a set of physical postures, movements and stretches. Western medical science
The only 3Rd eyed person I know of is Lord Shiva and when he touches
When you are extraordinary, why would you want to be normal? How can a prodigy
Human beings are not just their physical body. Western medical science has brought with it
To deal with something is the work of the thinking mind. Our thinking mind is
It is totally extraordinary and amazing that you have never had a cold, flu or
Note: above picture copied from a google search of “rope walking images” Your question is
The answer I just wrote to another question aptly addresses your question too. How can you
Positive thinking can be in the form of Positive affirmative statements. It is better to