Are there any benefits of meditation for beginners who can only do it for five minutes at a time?
In fact it is better for beginners to only sit with meditation for five minutes
In fact it is better for beginners to only sit with meditation for five minutes
Instead of struggling to find out the reasons for all these things, I would suggest
In my opinion Amrit is a combination of two words namely Am = Common and
Do you sweat excessively while meditating? I’m asking because it is uncommon to start sweating
Your question makes it seem that meditation is something similar to mountain climbing. But instead
A hundred years or a thousand years or even one year doesn’t matter any longer.
Awareness is you. The original you that contains all the rest of you or the
In my first book that is under publication, I have stated that for humans, physical
I think what you really want to ask is how do I study effectively? If
Yes you can, it is quiet simple actually. You only need to learn when you